Anti-abuse policy
This anti-abuse policy is inspired by the Color Code of Conduct, invented by the owner of Homeroom restaurant, Oakland, USA. It has been adapted here with the idea of allowing access to safer spaces and with the aim of sharing this with anyone who would like to use it in their own space.
This conduct plan aims to preventively regulate inappropriate and abusive behavior within our rope location. The primary idea is first of all to cut short the emergence of abusive behavior before a real incident occurs, while allowing space managers to intervene and defuse the misinterpretation of neurodiverse behaviors.
The basis of the concept:
In the event of an incident, discomfort or questions regarding behavior expressed by a particular person, come and find the organizer of the space with: a color + the name of the individual involved in this situation.
Yellow : A person within the space makes you feel uncomfortable (e.g. through stares, inappropriate proximity etc.), your intuition tells you that something is wrong.
We will refrain from passing judgment on the situation and we will believe in your testimony. We will pay increased attention to the person involved. You can then choose to commit to this person or not.
Orange : Behavior that can be interpreted as non-consensual or inappropriate has occurred, while being liable to fall into the vagueness of “gray areas” where it could be interpreted otherwise (this generating a context of incomprehension). You then feel in a very uncomfortable situation. Don't doubt your intuition and come find us.
We will approach the person by explaining to them that their behavior puts other people in a situation of discomfort. We will then demand that the person immediately stop interacting with others, and we will invite them to reconsider and change problematic behaviors, under penalty of being banned from the space. For your part, you stop interacting with this person.
Red : There has been a clear violation of consent and/or boundaries (for example: sexual remarks, non-negotiated touching, etc.)
The person will be immediately excluded from the space, while an accountability procedure will be initiated a few days later with respect to the person concerned.
This anti-abuse policy is inspired by the Color Code of Conduct, invented by the owner of Homeroom restaurant, Oakland, USA. It has been adapted here with the idea of allowing access to safer spaces and with the aim of sharing this with anyone who would like to use it in their own space.
Source - Karada House